
Alternatives to In-store sampling

In-store sampling requires a variety of options nowadays. But there are several other options.

It’s more crucial than ever that you get your goods in front of their target customer because of the effects of the covid and the post-pandemic period. A product can stand out in a crowded market with another strategy, which makes sense. Home sampling offers authenticity, trial, and natural material. Another sampling agency with the designation Samplrr specializes in raising FMCG product marketing and sales. It has competence in collaborative partnerships, product sampling, and consumer contact. Many individuals chose Samplrr as their go-to stop sampling agency.

But brands that rely on conventional product sample strategies, such as in-store activations, are fully aware of the drawbacks and expenses involved. Thus, the substitutes are:

  • Digitized Target Sampling

Due to Covid-19’s restrictions on in-store sampling, businesses are now utilizing digital capabilities to target more appropriate consumers for brand sampling initiatives. Using social media advertising, they can target customers according to their demographics, accessibility to stores, likes and interests, preferred retailers, and purchasing patterns. This means that FMCG companies can advertise to consumers who are most inclined to buy their goods or fall into the bullseye demography. By placing the ads next to the stores, they can encourage customers to visit the aisle. This can be the most excellent sample solution for your brand if you’re worried about producing a more significant ROI instead of simply encouraging product testing.

  • One’s friend is AR.

Since augmented reality has existed for a while, some businesses have been using it well and creating some absurdly effective marketing. But something suggests to us that this is the ideal time to employ augmented reality (AR) in marketplaces and make those traditional sampling campaigns—which, don’t get us wrong, had terrific results—forget about them.

To access exclusive AR experiences with some of the brands it offers, Walmart encouraged customers to read codes thru the retailer’s app during the 2018 Christmas season. Although customers couldn’t test the products, they could still see how they interacted with the surroundings, which was more than enough for Walmart to experience success with this campaign!

  • Online Retailer Sampling

More big-box stores provide manufacturers with the chance to test their products online. One choice is bag-dropping sampling, in which brochures or coupons are inserted alongside samples inside the online shoppers’ shopping bags. This is now a far more appealing choice since many individuals shop for groceries online. FMCG companies may also promote product samples on the websites of some retailers, giving customers a choice to accept the offer at the time of purchase. This ensures that the consumers they target are considerably more likely to make further purchases, although this typically comes at a higher cost to companies.

  • Flashy displays won’t disappear anytime soon.

They are present in every supermarket. Therefore we have all seen them. But if done correctly, screens might now be among the most acceptable alternatives to sample efforts.

Displays typically feature a static advertisement or, on rare occasions, a genuine ad for the thing they’re attempting to sell. Nothing exceptional, of course, as the majority of customers choose to overlook them and focus on their grocery shopping. However, they can effectively replace sampling campaigns provided the content displayed on these screens is improved!

Okay, but what are customers supposed to view on those screens? Well, product demonstrations, of obviously, to simultaneously inform and amuse.

  • Pick a touchless, secure, and attention-grabbing shelf display.

Does it seem too fantastic to be true? We’re happy to report that there is a viable alternative to sampling in this situation, and we’re incredibly proud of it.

A “consumer interaction gadget,” as we call it, may be used for more than merely showcasing goods. No matter how focused a shopper is on their shopping lists, the multi-sensory encounter it generates for them using movement, sound, and light is nearly hard to ignore. The concept is straightforward: people choose products primarily based on their sentiments rather than facts. These two factors are impacted by sampling. But, um, COVID-19 and more stringent safety procedures occurred, and selection is now hardly ever done.

These are only three instances of how sampling programs thru sampling agencies might be substituted in modern supermarkets; nevertheless, creativity is limitless, and we are confident that some places will start coming up with some fantastic ideas on their own.


As a side note, it won’t surprise us if these alternatives prove to be effective and prompt merchants to include them in existing long-term business plans. Speaking of concepts, we would love to hear your opinions on our choice. As a tried-and-true strategy for altering customer behavior and boosting sales, product sampling agencies put goods in customers’ hands while interacting with them in person.