
Basics of Personal Property Renditions

Property rendition is a process of providing important information about the property one owns. This information is used by the authorities to estimate the value of one’s property. Personal property renditions are something that the taxpayers are expected to do. The taxpayers include three kinds of people. The ones that own personal, tangible property and use it as a source of income,the ones who own a property on which the exemption has been canceled, and those who have received formal order from the authority asking him to render his property.

Type of Properties That Should Be Rendered

For calculating the tax payable, the first step is to classify either of the two options: personal property or real property. Real properties include the ones that are attached to the ground, and private properties are the ones that are not and can be detached at convenience. These include things that one can own but do not have a physical form, for example, amounts receivable, computer software, goodwill, etc.

One is not expected to render personal properties that he owns in the intangible form. Further, if the property attracts any exemption, one is not likely to render the exempted property. However, to get the property exempted, one has to file an application to the concerned authorities well in advance.

Information Required For Renditions

The type of information required for personal property renditions mostly depends on the property’s nature and its market value. However, in the general sense of it, the data includes the property’s location, a generic description of the property that is sufficient to identify it, the category under which the property falls, etc. In vehicles, one needs to provide its model number, the year of the manufacture, plate number, number of vehicles he owns and other such details. In this case, if one owns properties for trade, he needs to mention the number of such products owned by him specifically. He might also be required to disclose the original cost of the land and the date of acquiring it.


If one owns a property, he has to abide by certain compliances regarding such property’s renditions. He is required to file a statement providing information about the property owned by him. In case one fails to file his property renditions, a penalty is assessed against him by the concerned authorities. The information collected through interpretations is used by the concerned authorities to evaluate, analyze, and compare it with other similar property renditions and calculate and assign a property value. The final cost of the authorities’ property is made available to the public; however, the information contained in one’s rendition is not publicly available information. You can also refer to publications that provide information about the value of assets for estimating the market value of personal property. If you have a property and don’t know it’s value, its best to get a personal property rendition done to know its actual worth and the laws you should abide.