
Boy Scouts Abuse Fast Facts

When the Boy Scouts of America was founded over 100 years ago, its primary goal was to teach young boys to survive in the wilderness and give back to their community. Unfortunately, underneath the adventure and learning lay a serious child abuse issue affecting hundreds of boys nationwide. If you have been impacted by the abuse that the Boy Scouts allowed to continue, you may have options for restitution to help you get closure. Here is a rundown of everything that is going on with the Boy Scouts abuse scandal.

The Blacklist 

Shortly after the Boy Scouts of America was formed, child abuse allegations began coming in. In response to this, the BSA decided to compile a blacklist, also known as a “perversion list”, of men who were banned from the organization due to abuse allegations. In 1925, just 15 years after its formation, the Blacklist had over 1,000 ineligible volunteers. Unfortunately, the BSA chose to destroy any files that were outdated which contributed to the Boy Scouts abuse coverup scandal.


In addition to destroying the blacklist files, the BSA tipped off accused sex offenders. Instead of reporting them to the authorities, they allowed the Boy Scouts volunteers to resign. The decision to not report these crimes lead to predators being able to roam free and re-offend within the community. Furthermore, the organization allowed those on the blacklist to complete a probation period. If completed successfully, their name was removed from the blacklist and they were free to continue in the organization as normal.


With the exposure of the BSA coming to light, more young men are stepping forward with new allegations of abuse. In 2007, a group of men in Oregon was awarded 19 million dollars as restitution for the abuse they experienced at the hands of Boy Scout leaders. In response to the ongoing legal issues they are experiencing, the BSA chose to file bankruptcy in order to help pay the Boy Scouts abuse victims. Negotiations are underway to allow for a group settlement for those who were victimized by these trusted leaders.

It’s hard to understand why an organization that was founded on honesty and integrity allowed such horrific abuse to go on for so long. While nothing can fix the damage done to countless boys across the country, there are options to help gain closure and restitution through group settlements. Contact an attorney to discuss your options and if you qualify for the restitution you deserve.