
Finding Your Perfect Palletizer

Choosing the right equipment for your packaging and shipping operations can feel like an insurmountable task. If only evaluating equipment was more like a dating app. Then, even if we’re having a hard time finding the “right one”, we might have a little more fun along the way. With the depth of information available that’s just a click away, consider viewing a palletizer demo to help you narrow down the suitors.

The good news is that if you’re a true logistics nerd, watching the smooth operations and precision of palletizers at work is a pleasant way to spend your time. But to make the demo process productive, start with a set of characteristics, just like you might when looking for that perfect date. Here are some basic questions to ask, and things to consider when watching demos:

  • What are you palleting? It is a uniformly packaged product? If you have squared, sturdy boxes, then your ideal match will be different from one that specializes in odd-shaped packaging, like bags.
  • What’s the fragility level of your product? Palleting operations for very delicate or delicate items will look different from more rugged products. That demo showing cases of mixed nuts being easily lined up on a pallet won’t do you much good if your product requires more finesse.
  • Don’t forget that first impressions matter. All demos are fascinating to some extent; that’s how they’re supposed to look. Don’t let the automation hypnotize you. In the end, you need to get to know the palletizing functions as they relate to your company. Your perfect match will fit into your existing operations. Like all good relationships, you may have to make a few changes to make it work, but are they sacrifices that you’re willing and able to make?
  • Can you afford to purchase? Can you afford not to? New palletizing operations come at a cost. Have you done your homework to know if the options you want are affordable? You can’t merely look at equipment cost. You have to consider how a new piece of equipment may streamline your operations and save you packaging time, increase productivity, eliminate additional labor or even improve facility safety.

There are a lot of options for automating your palletizing operations. A palletizer demo will give you the equivalent of an online dating profile – there’s a lot of good information there, but you still need to communicate more to know if it’s a good match. Know what you need, what your deal-breakers are, and what compromises you’re able to make in order to package happily ever after.