
The Priorities for the SEO for Business

Prioritizing and structuring the pages of your website helps optimize SEO. Your hierarchy should be chronological and well nested so that your content is clearly identified by search engines.

404 errors

When you delete a page, it is important to deindex the corresponding link or put a redirect before deleting it in order to avoid messages such as “404 file not found”.

The presence of a “404 error” page on your website primarily affects the user experience. It is very unpleasant to land on an error page and when this happens, the user has the reflex to leave the site instantly.

In addition, when the search engines notice that your website contains one, or even several “404 error” pages, they may penalize you. To improve your positioning, quickly correct the various errors on your website.

W3C rules not respected

The “The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community o ù the members, a  team full time, and the public work together to develop  Web standards  .”

The website allows you to provide you with information on HTML language standards which allow you to detect markup errors and more generally identify all the errors listed on your site.

Have a site in Flash format

The Flash format aims to integrate images and animations in a simple way into the pages of a website.

However, the content of files in Flash format (ShokWave Flash) is difficult to identify by search engine robots. This format is therefore not readable by Google. It is strongly recommended to use the Javascript language which allows to obtain animations as fluid as with Flash. In addition, today there are JavaScript frameworks that allow you to use this language more easily.

The ideal strategy for referencing a website offering Flash animations is to keep HTML as the base and to integrate Flash animations on the pages of your site. Thus, the text of your content can be indexed despite the presence of animations.

If, however, you want to integrate all of your content only on Flash animation, be aware that you will be penalized and that your website may not be well positioned on search engines.

In addition, Flash is not compatible with certain mobiles, it is strongly advised not to have a site entirely in Flash, especially since the latest updates of Google’s “mobile friendly” algorithm aiming to favor sites compatible with smartphones. For small business seo this is important.


In conclusion, if you want your website to rank well on search engines, remember not to reproduce these SEO errors or correct them if you think you have already made them. It is never too late to optimize the SEO of a website and by following the recommendations of search engines, you make sure to advance your positioning.

How do you stand out to be successful

What corporate strategy on social media?

There are useful strategies : the practical strategy, the creative strategy, the champion strategy and the transformative strategy.

Other tips for promoting your business:

Contact your local newspaper because they want to hear about new businesses and changes. Participate in business events.

Give time and make yourself known to organizations and charities, local announcements.


Contact and meet companies in your industry and region flyers and partner up.

Anticipate digital uses

Entrepreneurs should anticipate the uses of digital to build the future. If digital technology is linked to the emergence of new technologies, the issues go well beyond technical choices. The entrepreneur must, here too, play his role because digital (digital) is a real economic development. Adapt to the changing market and the new environment.

Keep you informed of news related to your activity

New products and market niches are evolving rapidly in all areas, from restaurants to cosmetic salons. To be the expert, you must keep yourself regularly informed of new products! Business leaders read 4-5 trade magazines per month, it will help you grow and stand out.