
What to expect from an auto accident lawyer in Boise?

No one is ever prepared to deal with the consequences of a car crash. The immediate impact can cause unprecedented trauma, and if you have sustained serious injuries, you may need a long time to recover. When the other driver was negligent and reckless, you have the right to claim compensation from them for your damages, as Idaho is a fault state. In such circumstances, you are required to file a third-party insurance claim with their insurer. Before you do that, you should consider consulting a Boise Idaho auto accident lawyer to understand the worth of your claim. If you are hiring an attorney for a personal injury case for the first time, it can be hard to decode their profile. Here’s what you can expect from injury attorneys after a car crash. 

Find fault and liability

Car accidents are often complicated and can involve multiple vehicles and parties. If there is more than one driver at fault, the contributory negligence laws will come into play. When your share of fault is more than 50% or higher than the party you are trying to sue, you cannot recover anything in Idaho. However, if you are at a minor fault, you can still get compensated for the damages, but the awarded settlement will be lower depending on your fault percentage. When you hire an attorney, they will investigate the accident and gather evidence to prove everything in your claim. They will handle things like – 

  1. Getting the police report
  2. Contacting witnesses for statements
  3. Talk to the insurance representative
  4. Talk to medical experts and professionals about your injuries
  5. Get help from accident reconstruction experts

Negotiate with the insurance company

One of the key reasons to hire an accident lawyer is to negotiate with the insurance company. While insurance ads look awesome on TV, these companies don’t act in the same manner regarding claims. The claims adjuster will try to downplay your injuries or use bad faith insurance tactics to deny your claim. When an attorney is working on your side, they will negotiate on your behalf to ensure that you don’t settle for less. 

While accident claims are settled through discussions and negotiations, some do end up in court. If that is necessary, your lawyer will initiate proceedings to take the matter to trial. They will ensure that the evidence is enough to prove that the other party is negligent. Check online now to find more on accident lawyers near you in Boise.