
What’s So Important About CBD Hemp Biomass

CBD hemp biomass is an important part of the economics of the hemp crop. The tall skinny hemp plant grows to 20 feet and is personalized by long narrow leaves at the top of the plant. The hemp plant is easily cared for, grows in almost every climate and in most soil making it an extremely versatile plant.

CBD Hemp Biomass – The Anatomy of the Hemp Plant

Hemp is planted, grown and harvested on a large scale to produce CBD products from the hemp flower or hemp bud. That leaves a large part of the plant as biomass.  Hemp biomass includes the sugar leaves and sometimes the stalks and larger leaves.  

The farmers who grow hemp can figure that an acre has the capacity to produce about 1,500 pounds of biomass. The hemp flower is used to manufacture CBD products, but the stalks and leaves are biomass to be used in other ways.

CBD Hemp Biomass – The Products Made from Hemp Biomass

These hemp products are CBD oil, textiles, hemp plastics, and many other items. Raw hemp or the biomass is refined then produced into a variety of products

There are two types of hemp biomass — high-CBD hemp biomass which is more expensive than fiber biomass for textile and pellet manufacture. Needless to say, the hemp plant is very versatile and can be used in almost every sector of our lives.

  • food industry,
  • medical sector,
  • renewable biofuel
  • any number of hemp clothing
  • hemp paper.

The hemp biomass is popular today for producing hemp fiber. The hemp fiber is used to make ropes for the boating industry because of its strength and durability in a salt-water environment.  It is two times stronger than wood and resistant to rotting. With all the rage about environmental friendliness, hemp is biodegradable. Other products, you may be surprised to know are hemp insulation, hemp carpets, and hemp fabrics.

CBD Hemp Biomass – Biofuel from Hemp

For the hemp farmers cultivating this crop for biofuel employ a process known as pyrolysis whereby heat is applied to the plant to be converted into fuel. To be cost-effective, the facilities must be within 50 miles from where the crop is grown.

When hemp biomass is converted into fuel the waste coming from hemp is removed and made into carbon nanomaterial. This is an alternative to the more expensive graphene and used for operating high-powered batteries and supercapacitors for charging batteries fast in the braking system of vehicles.

Bio-coal is created from waste timber or biomass in a process called torrefaction.  Wood may be the most common form of biomass fuel, but hemp biomass is a close second with just as many environmentally safe qualities. Hemp biomass has two ways of becoming fuel – burned as a direct fuel or converted to a liquid biofuel to be then used as a fuel.

CBD Hemp Biomass – Soil Purge

Another thing that the hemp plant does is to purge contaminated soil. Now maybe this is not exactly about CBD hemp biomass, but it is because hemp is often planted to clean up contaminated soil and not necessarily to get anything out of the hemp flower.

When hemp is planted, it rejuvenates the soil with nutrients, so it is not necessary to do any type of crop rotation. Hemp puts more into the soil than it takes out so when grown in moderate climates, farmers can grow two crops of hemp in one calendar year. This also will create double CBD hemp biomass to make more textiles, more ropes and canvases for the shipping industry.

And there will be more CBD hemp biomass to use for bio-fuel. All these things help create a more sustainable environment. There is no waste hemp, nothing is unusable. Could it be that hemp is the crop that will save our planet because it creates such an environment of sustainable?

CBD Hemp Biomass — Storage

If hemp is grown for only biomass, then it is harvested in the field similarly to hay. But when cut in the field for biomass then it is left in the field to dry then, it will be raked up and stored in plastic garbage bags, bins or cotton sacks if harvesting manually.

If the hemp farmer harvested his crop by combine, it still needs to lay in the field and dry then baled in square or round bales depending on the farmer’s storage facility. Whatever the means of harvest or binding up for storage, the absolutely most important aspect is to be sure it is low moisture.

This storage focus of moisture reduction is to prevent rot and bacteria and also so the bales will not combust because of bacteria feeding on the inside of the bales.  There are warning signs visible steam emission rising from the bale. Another sign would be condensation on the rafters of the storage facility.

If you do not want to wait for the steam to rise from a bale in heat, insert an iron rod in as close to the center of the bales as possible.  After two hours, remove the rod and simply feel it for the temperature of the metal.

Are you looking for CBD bud products? WEST SLOPE KUSH HEMP FLOWER IS ON SALE THIS WEEK at Dr. Strains. It is a strong Organic CBD hemp flower that you must try. Dr. Strains CBD only sources its CBD bud from small hemp farms in colorado.